Receber PIS 2024 - Bem-vindo
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Receive PIS 2024 - Who is entitled to PIS Pasep


For be entitled to PIS/PASEP, the main criteria are to have worked with a formal contract for at least 30 days in the base year, with a maximum remuneration of two minimum wages per month.

Check all the criteria for be entitled to a salary bonus PIS/PASEP: 

  • Be registered with PIS/PASEP for at least five years;
  • Have worked with a formal contract for at least 30 days in the base year;
  • Have received maximum remuneration of two minimum wages in the base year;
  • The employer must have correctly reported your data to the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) or eSocial.

Important: To receive the salary bonus, you must have met all requirements in the reference year.

Know more: How to pay INSS on your own

The bonus has a maximum value of one minimum wage in force in the year of payment, and the amount to be paid varies depending on number of months worked by the beneficiary.

We will explain more details about the value of the benefit later.

Is a domestic worker entitled to PIS?

A very common question is whether Domestic workers are entitled to PIS. However, Complementary Law 150/2015, which governs domestic employment, does not provide for the right to PIS.

Therefore, as this class is not regulated by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), it is not covered by the salary bonus.

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Is anyone who pays self-employed INSS entitled to PIS?

self-employed professional is not entitled to PIS, since one of the rules of the allowance is to be working with a formal contract.

However, the self-employed person is entitled to a similar program, the NIT (Worker Identification Number), which gives access to pension benefits with the INSS.

Understand: PIS salary bonus issued

Is anyone who receives sickness benefit entitled to PIS?

If you have worked and contributed for at least 30 days with a formal contract in the base year, the beneficiary will receive PIS in the amount corresponding to the months worked.

However, if the beneficiary receives helpio-disease more than a year ago, will not be entitled to the allowance.

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Are retired people entitled to PIS?

If continue working with a formal contract, even with insurance granted, the retiree receives PIS, if it fits the other rules.

Is someone who was dismissed by the government entitled to PIS?

If the worker has contributed for at least 30 days in the base year and meets the rules, he must receive PIS of proportional value.

However, workers who were away from work and received sickness benefit or accident aid for more than a year, they are not entitled to PIS.

Is anyone who receives unemployment insurance entitled to PIS?

unemployment insurance it is a benefit that is independent of PIS.

Also know: How to apply for unemployment insurance online?

Therefore, if the worker complies with the established rules, even if he is receiving insurance, you will be able to receive PIS normally.

Is someone who was fired for just cause entitled to PIS?

Dismissal for just cause takes away the worker's right to several benefits, however, PIS is not one of them.

Even if you have been dismissed for just cause, the worker is entitled to PIS if you comply with the rules for receiving the balance.

How do I know if I am entitled to PIS/PASEP?

To find out if you are entitled to PIS/PASEP, the worker can do the consultation via the application Digital Work Card.

Just log in with your personal data, click on “Benefits” and then on “Salary allowance”. After the consultation, you will see the details of the benefit and whether you are entitled to receive it.

“I don’t have access to the Digital Work Card. As check if I am entitled to the salary bonus by other means?” We will show you more query options.

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How the PIS is paid by Caixa Econômica Federal, you can also consult it via Caixa Tem app or by calling Central Alô Trabalho, at number 158.

When we talk about PASEP, this is paid by Banco do Brasil public servants, therefore, consultation is available via the BB website or by calling 4004 0001, in capitals and metropolitan regions, and 0800 729 0001, in other locations.

Who is not entitled to PIS/PASEP?

Anyone who has not worked the minimum amount of time in the base year, receives remuneration exceeding the limit or has not been registered with PIS/PASEP for sufficient time is not entitled to PIS/PASEP.

Therefore, when dealing with the base year, anyone who received more than 2 minimum wages, has not worked for at least 30 days and has been enrolled in the program for less than 5 years will not receive the salary bonus.

See too: PIS not enabled: find out what it means and how to resolve it

In addition to these rules, your data must be correctly reported by the employer in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) or eSocial.

If the company has not made this update, the worker will not receive the bonus. However, you can appeal to the Ministry of Labor to receive the benefit.

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How do I receive the PIS/PASEP salary bonus?

The PIS/PASEP salary bonus is paid to beneficiaries, respectively, by Caixa Econômica Federal and by Bank of Brazil.

Regarding PIS, anyone who has a Caixa account receives the amount directly into their existing account.

If you do not have an account, you will create one Free Digital Social Savings to the holder and the deposit is made into this account.

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In relation to PASEP, public servants who already have an account with Banco do Brasil, have the deposit made into their account on the scheduled date.

Anyone who does not have an account with BB must contact the bank to withdraw their benefit within the allowed period.

Such as Caixa offers more withdrawal possibilities, check below how to withdraw PIS using each of the available methods.

Citizen Card

Anyone who has the card and registered password can withdraw the PIS salary bonus at Caixa self-service terminals, lottery outlets or Caixa Aqui banking correspondents.

Caixa branch

Those who do not have a citizen card can collect the PIS benefit at a Caixa Econômica branch, simply by bringing an official identification document with a photo.

Caixa Account

For citizens who have an account with Caixa, the allowance is deposited directly into that account, as long as it has active transactions and a balance greater than R$1.00.

Among these accounts is Digital Social Savings, which can be used through the Caixa Tem application.

What is the value of PIS/PASEP in 2024?

As previously mentioned, the value of PIS/PASEP corresponds to a minimum wage for those who worked the entire base year, fulfilling the requirements.

maximum value is paid only to people who worked during the entire base year.

For others, the value is proportional to the number of months worked in the base year.

The salary bonus is currently paid two years after the base year, due to some delays in payments during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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In this way, the salary bonus that will be paid in 2024 refers to the base year 2022. The value of the benefit, however, uses the minimum salary of the year of payment, in this case, 2024.

To summarize: who met the requirements in 2022, you will receive the amount corresponding to the minimum wage of 2024.

minimum wage for 2024 will be R$ 1,412.00Therefore, each worker must receive an amount proportional to the months worked.

calculation of values It is done by dividing the minimum wage for the year of payment by 12 (months of the year), and then, simply multiply the monthly amount by the number of months you worked in the base year.

In 2023, for example, as there were two changes to the minimum wage, two different values occurred. Check the 2023 bonus values, depending on the number of months.

PIS/PASEP Allowance Values in 2024

Beneficiaries who received the bonus in 2024 will be awarded the maximum amount of R$ 1,412.00, the minimum wage in force since January.

Check the proportional values of the PIS/PASEP salary bonus in 2024:

Amount of the PIS/PASEP 2024 bonus x Number of months worked
Months worked in 2022Amount you will receive in 2024
1 monthR$ 117.66
2 monthsR$ 235.33
3 monthsR$ 353.00
Four monthsR$ 470.66
5 monthsR$ 588.33
6 monthsR$ 706.00
7 monthsR$ 823.66
8 monthsR$ 941.33
9 monthsR$ 1,059.00
10 monthsR$ 1,176.66
11 monthsR$ 1,294.33
12 monthsR$ 1,412.00

PIS/PASEP payment calendar

Now that you understand everything about the PIS/PASEP salary bonus, check out the PIS/PASEP calendar 2024 (base year 2022).