Consulte o valor do PIS/PASEP online, e saiba sacar - Bem-vindo
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Check the PIS/PASEP value online and learn how to withdraw it

PIS/PASEP consultation is frequently carried out by beneficiaries of social contributions.


After all, this is a benefit acquired by a specific group of workers. However, today our topic is about the types of consultation available to those who carry it out.

Technological evolution does not bring important benefits other than convenience.


Above all, let's talk a little about the programs that are social contributions of a tax nature.

In other words, PIS (Social Integration Program) and PASEP (Public Servant Asset Formation Program) are payments of bonuses and unemployment insurance to certain workers.

These professionals are those who work under the CLT regime (Consolidation of Labor Laws) and public servants.

How is PIS/PASEP paid?

PIS/PASEP benefit payments are made by different banks.

Because each contribution has a different administration. Therefore, PIS is managed by Caixa.

Subsequently, PASEP becomes the responsibility of Banco do Brasil.

Therefore, beneficiaries could withdraw their benefits directly from the bank responsible for each of them.

However, constant technological evolution allows this procedure to be done directly from just one application. Understand below!

PIS/PASEP consultation and withdrawal online

In recent times, the option to consult and withdraw PIS/PASEP has become easier.

Now it is possible to redeem the amount available through the FGTS application or just consult it.

In other words, say goodbye to long bank queues or hassles at physical terminals.

To do this, follow this step by step:

  • Open the FGTS app;
  • Click on the message “You have withdrawal available”;
  • Select the option “PIS/PASEP Withdrawal”;
  • Enter the requested data, check and enter the value;
  • Confirm your withdrawal.

If you don't already have the app installed on your smartphone.

Click here to download the Android version or in this link for iOS.

Other consultation and withdrawal options

After that, it is worth remembering that traditional consultation and withdrawal options are still normally available.

After all, it is quite common for workers to opt for the following methods:

  • Attending a Caixa branch;
  • Telephone 0800 726 0207;
  • Hello worker at number 158.