Consultar o FGTS online: entenda como verificar seu FGTS de casa! - Bem-vindo
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Check the FGTS online: understand how to check your FGTS from home!

Learn to consult the FGTS online It is very important these days for several reasons, mainly to monitor your fund.


Therefore, it is important to understand ways to do this safely, especially at home.

So, we decided to show you the way in a simple and quick way to understand how the FGTS works and how important it is for your life.

Therefore, we will also show you step by step how you can check the FGTS online in a different way.

Therefore, to choose the most comfortable way for your life, it is interesting that you continue reading until the end.

Furthermore, you can have access to more than one way to consult the fund, so you can be aware of opportunities for new withdrawals, for example.

What is the Service Time Guarantee Fund?

Created to protect workers in various unpredictable situations, sometimes such as unfair dismissal, for example.

As a result, Law No. 5,107, of September 13, 1966, in force from January 1, 1967, currently governed by Law 8,036, of May 11, 1990, guarantees that:

  • Remunerations of 8% of the employee's total salary are made monthly in the name of the employee by the company. 

So, at the end of 12 months, for example, the worker has access to an entire salary saved in their name at Caixa.

Therefore, learn to consult the FGTS online It is so important that we are never prepared for unforeseen events.

Therefore, monitoring the fund is a good way to check withdrawals, the fund situation and especially new extra payments.

A recent case was the emergency FGTS payment, aimed at combating the crisis during the pandemic.

You must also understand who is entitled to this benefit, so continue reading to understand if you are entitled.

Who is entitled to FGTS?

Any Brazilian citizen with a formal employment contract that complies with the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) is entitled to the FGTS.

In addition, other types of professionals are also entitled to the benefit, including:

  • Rural workers;
  • Domestic worker;
  • Temporary, intermittent, casual and seasonal workers;
  • Professional athletes.

So, now that you know what the FGTS is and how it can be positive for your life, understand the ways to consult the FGTS online now:

How to check the FGTS online via the internet

For consult the FGTS online It's different, you can access your account on the website below, but if it's your first access there is a way:

  1. First of all you must enter the Caixa website, if you have a login just enter your CPF or NIS and your password, if not continue with the next step;
  2. Second step, put your CPF and select the “registration” option;
  3. Then, read and accept the terms of use;
  4. Therefore, you must fill in your personal data such as name, date of birth, email for example;
  5. Therefore, create an 8-digit password;
  6. Finally, on the home page and log in using your CPF and 8-digit password.

Other ways to check the FGTS online

Two interesting ways to check your FGTS are via SMS and mainly via an app.

Therefore, to get information about the fund directly on your cell phone via SMS, you must access this link.

So, information such as withdrawals, digital withdrawals and especially new extraordinary payments.

Furthermore, to access the app, there is a path that we now show you below:

  1. You can download the app to Android is for iOS.
  2. Then, click on the “register” option. Then provide personal data.
  3. To do so, select a secure 6-digit numeric password;
  4. Then, confirm your account by clicking on the link sent by email.
  5. With that, open the app again and enter your CPF and password.
  6. Once again in the app, you must answer some questions to confirm opening the account in the app.
  7. Finally, accept the terms of use.

Now that you know how to access it in different ways and consult the FGTS online understand other benefits too.

So, stay with us, read our next article and don't miss any more important information.