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Forgotten money: How to check amounts receivable


Amid the complexities of everyday life, it is common for people to encounter situations in which they lose control or simply forget to check their benefit balance.

Understanding the Forgotten PIS Balance

PIS is a Brazilian government social program that aims to integrate private sector workers with the development of the company. It offers a series of benefits, including salary bonuses and withdrawal of the accumulated balance. However, many workers may forget to regularly check their PIS balance, whether due to lack of time, financial disorganization or simply because they do not consider this a priority in their lives.

Common Causes of Forgotten PIS Balance

  • Lack of habit: Many people are not in the habit of regularly checking their PIS balance, which can lead to forgetfulness.

  • Financial disorganization: When finances are not managed effectively, the PIS balance is more likely to be forgotten.

  • Lack of information: Some workers may not be aware of the importance of checking their PIS balance regularly or how to do it.

Impacts of the Forgotten PIS Balance

Forgetting to check your PIS balance can result in a series of negative impacts:

  • Lost opportunities: Workers may miss the chance to withdraw their accumulated PIS balance or receive the salary bonus if they are not aware of their balance.

  • Waste of resources: The money accumulated in the PIS balance can be a source of important financial resources for workers, and forgetting to check the balance means wasting this opportunity.

  • Lack of knowledge of rights: Forgetting to check your PIS balance may indicate a lack of awareness about the rights and benefits available to workers, which may result in a missed opportunity to improve your financial situation.

Strategies for Regaining Control of a Forgotten PIS Balance

Fortunately, there are several strategies that workers can adopt to regain control of their forgotten PIS balance:

  1. Find out about PIS: It is important that workers are aware of their rights and benefits related to PIS, including how to check the accumulated balance.

  2. Set reminders: Set up regular reminders on your calendar or cell phone to check your PIS balance at specific intervals.

  3. Use online resources: Many financial institutions offer the option of checking your PIS balance through their websites or mobile applications.

  4. Consult in person: If you prefer, workers can also check their PIS balance in person at a Caixa Econômica Federal branch, which is responsible for the program.

  5. Maintain financial organization: Keeping your personal finances organized and up to date can help ensure you are aware of all your benefits, including your PIS balance.


Forgetting to check your PIS balance can have significant consequences for Brazilian workers, including the loss of financial opportunities and ignorance of rights and benefits. However, with a little awareness and a few simple strategies, it is possible to regain control of your forgotten PIS balance and ensure that workers are aware of all the benefits available to them. By establishing regular reminders, using online resources and maintaining financial organization, workers can ensure they never forget to check their PIS balance again.