A Praticidade de Solicitar o Extrato Instantâneo do PIS - Bem-vindo
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The Practicality of Requesting an Instant PIS Statement

This article explores the concept of requesting an instant PIS statement, its benefits and how workers can take advantage of this functionality to better manage their finances


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What is PIS?

Before we discuss the instant PIS statement, it is important to understand what this program is. PIS is a social benefit aimed at Brazilian workers who contribute to the PIS/PASEP Participation Fund. This fund is fed by contributions from companies and aims to promote the integration of private sector employees with the company's development. PIS is a right guaranteed by law and offers a series of benefits, including a salary bonus and withdrawal of the accumulated balance.

What is a PIS Instant Statement?

An instant PIS statement is a digital version of the program's traditional statement, which provides updated information about the worker's contributions and benefits in real time. While conventional PIS statements are generally made available periodically, instant statements offer an immediate and detailed view of the information, allowing workers to track their contributions and know how much they have available to withdraw.

How to Request an Instant PIS Statement

Requesting an instant PIS statement can be done in several ways, depending on the financial institution or platform used. Below are some of the most common ways to request this statement:

  1. Caixa Econômica Federal website: Caixa Econômica Federal is responsible for paying PIS for private sector workers. On its official website, there is a section dedicated to PIS, where workers can access a variety of services, including requesting instant statements. Simply access the Caixa website, log in to your account, select the PIS option and request the instant statement.

  2. Caixa Trabalhador application: Caixa Econômica Federal also offers an application called Caixa Trabalhador, which allows workers to access a series of services related to PIS and other social benefits. Through the app, workers can easily request instant PIS statements by simply logging into their account and following the instructions provided.

  3. Online Banking: Some banks offer the option of accessing PIS-related services through their internet banking systems. If your bank offers this feature, simply log into your account, navigate to the PIS-related services section and request an instant statement.

  4. Telephone: For workers who prefer more direct contact, it is also possible to request instant PIS statements over the phone, by contacting the Caixa Econômica Federal call center. An attendant will be available to help and provide the necessary information.

Benefits of the PIS Instant Statement

The adoption of the instant PIS statement brings a series of benefits to Brazilian workers, including:

  1. Immediate Access to Information: With the instant statement, workers can access updated information about their PIS contributions and benefits at any time, without having to wait for conventional statements.

  2. Transparency and Financial Control: Immediate access to information allows workers to closely monitor their contributions and know exactly how much they have available to withdraw, promoting greater transparency and control over their finances.

  3. Ease of Management: With the instant statement, workers can better manage their PIS benefits, plan withdrawals and make more informed financial decisions.

  4. Time saving: By eliminating the need to wait for conventional statements, the instant statement saves time and simplifies the process of accessing PIS information.


The PIS instant statement offers a convenient and efficient way for Brazilian workers to track their contributions and program benefits in real time. With immediate access to information, workers can better manage their finances and ensure they are making the most of PIS benefits. Whether through the Caixa Econômica Federal website, the Caixa Trabalhador app, internet banking or by telephone, requesting an instant PIS statement is simple and quick, providing greater transparency, control and practicality for Brazilian workers.