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How do Spiritist Centers Work?

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  • 6 min read

Spiritist centers are institutions that play a fundamental role in the dissemination and practice of spiritualism, a doctrine codified by Allan Kardec in the 19th century.


These centers offer a wide range of activities, including lectures, studies, mediumistic practices and social assistance. Furthermore, spiritist centers are welcoming environments that promote self-knowledge and spiritual evolution of their visitors.

This article explores how spiritist centers work, highlighting their main activities and the impact they have on communities, helping to strengthen bonds of fraternity and solidarity.

Understanding the functioning of these centers can provide a broader view of the importance of spiritualism in contemporary society and its transformative role in people's lives.

Structure and Organization of Spiritist Centers

Spiritist centers are generally organized in a simple and functional way, without ostentation. They are maintained by volunteers and community members who share the desire to study and practice spiritualism.

The basic structure includes study and lecture rooms, spaces dedicated to the study of spiritist doctrine and the holding of lectures open to the public. In addition, there is the pass room, a place where spiritist passes are carried out, which consist of transmitting positive energies to attendees.

There is also the library, which brings together spiritual works and related literature for consultation and borrowing, and the fraternal service room, an environment reserved for individualized spiritual counseling.

The internal organization is governed by directors and coordinators elected by the members, responsible for managing activities and maintaining order. This structure allows spiritist centers to function efficiently, providing a harmonious environment conducive to the spiritual growth of their visitors.

Lectures and Doctrinal Studies

Lectures and doctrinal studies are central activities in spiritist centers. They occur weekly and cover different topics related to spiritualism, including the study of basic works, such as “The Book of Spirits” and “The Gospel According to Spiritism” by Allan Kardec.

In addition, spiritual and moral themes are treated, such as ethics, morals, spiritual evolution and life after death. The lectures also include debates and study groups, where there is space for discussion and deepening of spiritist knowledge.

These activities aim to clarify and disseminate the principles of spiritist doctrine, promoting the spiritual and moral education of participants.

Through these activities, spiritist centers encourage reflection on deep questions of human existence, providing a space for individuals to seek answers and develop a broader understanding of life and the universe.

Mediumistic Practices

Mediumistic practices are another important pillar of spiritist centers. They include mediumistic meetings, which are closed sessions where trained mediums communicate with spirits for guidance and messages.

There is also mediumistic development, which are courses and training to develop and improve the mediumship of regulars, and spiritual assistance, which involves activities designed to help suffering spirits, promoting their awareness and referral.

These practices are carried out with seriousness and discipline, following the guidelines of the spiritist doctrine and always with the objective of promoting good.

Mediumship is seen as an inherent capacity in all human beings, which can be developed and improved through study and practice. Thus, spiritist centers offer a safe and oriented environment so that mediums can exercise their capabilities responsibly and ethically.

Social Assistance and Charity in Spiritist Centers

Spiritist centers also play a significant role in social assistance. Common actions include the distribution of food and clothing, with campaigns to collect and distribute these items to families in need.

In addition, there is care for drug addicts, offering support and rehabilitation groups for alcohol and drug addicts, and psychological and spiritual support, through fraternal care for counseling and emotional support.

These actions are based on the spiritist principle of charity, considered essential for spiritual evolution.

The practice of charity in spiritist centers goes beyond the simple donation of material goods, seeking to provide comprehensive support that includes emotional and spiritual assistance. This holistic approach aims to promote the dignity and well-being of those assisted, contributing to their social reintegration and personal development.

Integration with the Community

Integration with the community is a vital aspect of spiritist centers. They promote events and activities that involve the local population, such as spiritist weeks, annual events with lectures, debates and cultural activities open to the public.

In addition, they carry out cultural and educational events, such as workshops, courses and cultural events that promote the education and well-being of the community, and awareness campaigns, to raise awareness among the population about relevant topics, such as peace, fraternity and respect To the next.

centros espíritas

These initiatives strengthen community ties and spread spiritualist values in a broad and accessible way. Through these activities, spiritist centers not only disseminate the principles of the doctrine, but also contribute to the construction of a more just and supportive society.

Integration with the community promotes an environment of cooperation and understanding, where everyone can benefit from spiritual actions and teachings.

How to Join Spiritist Centers

To join a spiritist center, no formal prerequisites are required, just a willingness to learn and share spiritual experiences. Spiritist centers generally welcome all comers, regardless of their religion or personal beliefs.

The first step is to look for a spiritist center in your region and participate in public lectures and meetings open to the public. On these occasions, you will be able to learn more about the spiritist doctrine, its practices and the services offered.

If you feel an affinity, you can sign up for doctrine study courses and, eventually, participate in mediumistic meetings, if you have an interest and affinity with this practice.


Spiritist centers are true pillars of spiritual and social support. Its activities range from the in-depth study of spiritist doctrine to social assistance, always guided by the principles of love and charity.

When attending a spiritual center, individuals find a welcoming space to grow spiritually and contribute positively to the community. In this way, spiritist centers play a crucial role in promoting peace, knowledge and solidarity among people.

They offer a spiritual refuge where visitors can find answers to their concerns, develop their mediumistic abilities and actively participate in charitable actions.

Thus, spiritist centers continue to be a positive and transformative force in the lives of many, promoting spiritual evolution and the improvement of society as a whole.