Implante Dentário Gratuito pelo SUS - Bem-vindo
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Free Dental Implant through SUS

SUS provides free access to dental implants in SUS. Find out how to schedule your appointment!


Free Dental Implant through SUS!

Oral health plays a fundamental role in an individual's quality of life and general well-being. A healthy smile not only contributes to self-esteem and personal confidence, but is also crucial for basic functions such as eating and speaking. 

In this context, the Unified Health System (SUS) plays a crucial role in offering access to oral health services, including the possibility of carrying out free dental implants. Although the SUS is recognized for its scope and importance in offering healthcare to the Brazilian population, it is essential to understand the specific criteria and procedures necessary to access this type of treatment.

  1. ➡️Eligibility criteria: It is important to understand the criteria established by the SUS to determine who can have access to free dental implants. These criteria may vary according to the patient's oral condition, socioeconomic situation and the availability of resources in health services.
  2. ➡️Screening and referral procedures: Generally, access to dental implants in SUS involves a screening and referral process, where the patient is evaluated by oral health professionals to determine the need for the procedure and its suitability to established criteria.
  3. ➡️Availability and waiting time: Due to limited demand and resources, it is important to understand that there may be a waiting list for appointments. dental implants in the SUS. Knowing availability and wait times can help patients plan their treatments in advance.
  4. ➡️Post-treatment follow-up: After completion of the dental implant, it is essential that the patient receives adequate dental care to ensure the long-term success of the procedure. This may include follow-up appointments, preventative care, and oral hygiene guidance.
  5. Access to dental implants in SUS represents an important opportunity for low-income individuals to obtain dental treatments essential to their quality of life. However, a clear understanding of the eligibility criteria, procedures and resources available is necessary to ensure that these services effectively reach those who need them.