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How to register PIS for the first time?

Check out how you can get PIS for the first time, where to do it, what it is for and where to check it in a simple way.


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1. What is it?
System used to register workers in the Social Integration Program (PIS)
2. Who is it for?
The NIS Registry is intended for all private employers registered with the CNPJ (National Register of Legal Entities). For individual employers who are equivalent to companies, that is, registered with the CEI (INSS Specific Register), registration is carried out only at CAIXA branches.
3. How to access?
Access to the NIS Registry is via the address
4. How to get access?
The company representative or attorney must take the following documentation to your relationship agency:
  • FICUS/E form completed and signed;
  • Copy of Identity and CPF of the user who will access the system;
  • Documents relating to the constitution of the company and legal representative;
  • Copy of Power of Attorney, in the case of registration carried out by an attorney.
Before delivering the documentation to the Agency, the user responsible for accessing the system must register an Internet Password at the address
There are two possibilities for registering an Internet Password:
  • the user enters the Citizen Card password to register the password;
  • If the user does not have the Citizen Card password or this password is invalid or blocked, the user can enter their personal data for validation with the registration data contained in the NIS Registry.
Permission to register NIS will be granted within 5 working days after submitting the documentation to the Agency.
5. What should I do if the user is unable to register the Internet Password through data validation?
If any discrepancy is identified when validating data, the user must complete the DMN form – NIS Maintenance Document and copies of documents supporting the data entered in the form. The completed DMN and copies of the documents must be delivered to the CAIXA Branch along with the documentation requested to gain access to the system. If the user who will access the system is not the company's representative or attorney-in-fact, only the system user will be able to update their registration with CAIXA.
The user can also register the Citizen Card password at the agency for subsequent registration of the internet password, without the need to validate the registration data. Even after registering the Citizen Card password, the DMN must be delivered to the agency to update the user's data.
6. Can users who already access the system using email access it by informing their NIS/PIS registration?
Yes. To do this, access must be done via the address It is not necessary to request authorization and submit documents to the Agency. The user must register an Internet Password, either through the Citizen Card password or data validation.