Solicitar Saques do PIS: Um Guia Completo para Acesso aos Benefícios - Bem-vindo
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Request PIS Withdrawals: A Complete Guide to Accessing Benefits

In this article, we will explore in detail how to request PIS withdrawals, who is entitled to this benefit, the different withdrawal methods available and what is needed to make the request.


Who is entitled to PIS withdrawals?

Before understanding how to request PIS withdrawals, it is important to know who is entitled to this benefit. Brazilian workers who have been registered with PIS for at least five years, who have received an average monthly remuneration of up to two minimum wages during the base year and who have carried out remunerated activity for at least 30 days in the base year are entitled to withdraw the PIS.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that the PIS withdrawal may vary according to the calendar established by Caixa Econômica Federal, which is the body responsible for paying the benefit. This calendar is published annually and defines payment dates according to the worker's date of birth.

PIS Withdrawal Methods

There are different ways to withdraw PIS, each with its own rules and conditions. The main modalities are:

  1. Birthday Loot: In this modality, the worker can choose to receive a portion of the balance available in their PIS account in the month of their birthday. To do this, you must sign up for the Birthday Withdrawal through the FGTS application or the Caixa Econômica Federal website.

  2. Withdrawal for Specific Reasons: In addition to the Birthday Withdrawal, the worker can also withdraw the PIS balance in specific cases, such as retirement, disability, serious illnesses, among others. To do this, it is necessary to prove the situation that entitles you to withdrawal using specific documents and forms.

How to Request PIS Withdrawals

To request PIS withdrawals, the worker can follow these steps:

  1. Access the Caixa Econômica Federal website: The first step is to access the Caixa Econômica Federal website and look for the section relating to PIS.

  2. Check your Balance: Before requesting the withdrawal, it is important to check the available balance in your PIS account to ensure that you are entitled to the benefit.

  3. Choose the Withdrawal Method: If you want to make the Birthday Withdrawal, sign up through the FGTS app or the Caixa website. If you prefer to make the withdrawal for specific reasons, consult the documents and forms necessary to prove your situation.

  4. Send the Request: After choosing the withdrawal method, follow the instructions provided on the Caixa Econômica Federal website to send the request. Make sure you correctly fill out all required fields and attach required documents, if applicable.

  5. Follow the Process: After submitting the request, follow the process through the Caixa website or contact customer service to obtain information about the progress of your order.


Requesting PIS withdrawals is a relatively simple process, but it requires attention to detail and compliance with established rules. By following the steps mentioned in this guide and being aware of your rights and obligations, you will be able to access PIS benefits efficiently and ensure more solid and conscious financial management. Always remember to check the updated information on the Caixa Econômica Federal website and pay attention to the deadlines and conditions established for PIS withdrawals.