Dinheiro Esquecido no PIS: Como Recuperar Recursos - Bem-vindo
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Forgotten Money in PIS: How to Recover Resources

In the vast landscape of personal finance, it is common for some opportunities and benefits to go unnoticed. A notable example of this is the money forgotten in the Social Integration Program (PIS).


Understanding the Forgotten Money Phenomenon in PIS

PIS is a Brazilian government social program that aims to promote the integration of workers with the development of the company. One of the advantages offered by this program is the salary bonus, which is an annual benefit granted to workers who meet certain eligibility criteria, such as length of service and average monthly salary.

However, although millions of Brazilians are entitled to the PIS salary bonus, many are unaware of this benefit or simply forget to claim it. As a result, significant amounts of money end up forgotten and not used by workers.

Common Causes of Forgotten Money in PIS

  • Lack of knowledge: Many workers are not aware of the PIS salary bonus or are unaware of the eligibility criteria to receive it.

  • Lack of Follow-up: Some workers may even be aware of the salary bonus, but may forget to check whether they are entitled to it or to claim it in time.

  • Job Change: Workers who change jobs frequently may not adequately track their rights and benefits over time, resulting in people forgetting to receive the PIS salary bonus in previous jobs.

Impacts of Forgotten Money on PIS

Money forgotten in PIS can have several negative impacts:

  • Loss of Financial Resources: Workers miss out on the opportunity to receive a significant amount of money that could help improve their personal finances.

  • Lack of Rights: Forgetting the PIS salary bonus may indicate a lack of awareness about the rights and benefits available to workers, resulting in underutilization of available resources.

  • Wasted Opportunities: The money forgotten in PIS could be used for important expenses, investments or even to improve the quality of life of workers and their families.

Recovering Forgotten Money in PIS

Fortunately, there are ways to recover money forgotten in PIS:

  1. Check Your Eligibility: Check if you meet the eligibility criteria to receive the PIS salary bonus, such as length of service and average monthly salary.

  2. Access the Worker Portal: The Ministry of Economy provides an online portal where workers can check whether they are entitled to the PIS salary bonus and consult about other employment benefits.

  3. Contact HR at your Previous Company: If you have recently changed jobs, contact the human resources department at your previous company to check whether you are entitled to the PIS salary bonus for the period you worked there.

  4. Consult Caixa Econômica Federal: Caixa Econômica Federal is responsible for paying the PIS salary bonus. You can contact the bank to obtain information about your balance and how to claim the benefit.

  5. Stay Informed: Be aware of your rights and benefits as a worker. Keep track of updates and changes to PIS policies to ensure you are aware of all available opportunities.


Money forgotten in PIS is a common problem that affects many Brazilian workers. However, it is possible to recover these unclaimed financial resources through proactive measures, such as checking eligibility, accessing online portals, contacting previous companies and consulting Caixa Econômica Federal. By being aware of your rights and benefits as a worker, you can ensure that you do not miss opportunities to receive the PIS salary bonus and use these resources to improve your financial situation.