Auxílio Brasil: Saiba como se inscrever e solicitar seu benefício - Bem-vindo
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Auxílio Brasil: Find out how to sign up and request your benefit

Check important information such as rules, value and other benefits


The old one Bolsa Família has reached thousands of families since its change, which added approximately 2.5 million citizens to the social program that aims to help the vulnerable population achieve financial independence.

Consequently, the Brazil Aid it becomes a gateway for citizens to benefit from other social projects included in it, enabling the beneficiary to achieve independence in a dignified manner and assured by the government.

Want to know more about? Stay with us, learn about the rules to be followed, how to sign up and other benefits.

Criteria for requesting Brazil Aid 

Above all, it is important to talk about the rules required by the program. After all, Auxílio Brasil is an exclusive social program for vulnerable families facing poverty or extreme poverty.

Therefore, it is necessary to prove the experience of this scenario. Therefore, to become a beneficiary you must meet the following rules:

  • Families in extreme poverty: those with a per capita monthly family income of R$105;
  • Families in poverty: families with a per capita monthly family income between R$105.01 and R$210;
  • Be registered with CadÚnico (Cadastro Único) and have updated your registration data in the last two years.

How do I register? 

Beneficiaries of the former Bolsa Família were automatically migrated to Auxílio Brasil after analyzing their registration data in CadÚnico.

Therefore, if you are already registered with the Single Registry, you will not need to re-register.

Subsequently, any citizen/family that does not yet have this important registration must start registering it, after all, it is not possible to receive any type of benefit from the government without being duly included in it.

Therefore, there are three ways to become a beneficiary of Auxílio Brasil. See below what they are:

  • Former Bolsa Família beneficiaries;
  • Citizens registered with CadÚnico who have never received Bolsa Família and join the waiting list;
  • Citizens not registered with CadÚnico who wish to receive the benefit;

In short, those not registered with CadÚnico who meet the prerequisites must contact CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) with the following documents: ID, CPF and proof of residence.

Brazil Aid and much more 

The Auxílio Brasil social program has a basket of benefits in addition to the amount paid for the program itself, set at R$400, which underwent a temporary increase to R$600 until December 2022. However, it is estimated that this amount will extend to next year.

Therefore, in addition to this program that guarantees a certain amount every month to citizens duly registered with CadÚnico, it also provides 8 more benefits for you to request. See what they are:

  • Early Childhood Benefit: for families with children up to 3 years old. Benefit of R$130;
  • Family Composition Benefit: offered to families with pregnant women, children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 or adults aged 18 to 21 who are duly enrolled in basic education. R$65 per person;
  • Overcoming Extreme Poverty Benefit: benefit made available to young people between the ages of 18 and 21 with the aim of encouraging them to complete their studies. The value is R$65.00;
  • School Sports Aid: for students aged 18 to 21 who are part of families benefiting from Auxílio Brasil and stand out in official school games activities. The value of this benefit is R$1,000 per year or R$100 per month;
  • Citizen Child Assistance: for people responsible for children up to 4 years of age who work and cannot find places in public or private daycare centers. The cost for children enrolled full-time is R$300 and part-time is R$200;
  • Rural Productive Inclusion: aid for farmers duly registered with Cadúnico in the amount of R$200 for a single family member;
  • Urban Productive Inclusion: assistance of the same value offered to citizens who can prove that they have a registered job;
  • Emancipation Rule: Exclusive rule for beneficiaries who have achieved financial independence and no longer meet the aid criteria are entitled to receive it for a few more months.